The Fire and Police Commission (FPC) was established in 1885 by state law and is one of the oldest police oversight agencies in the nation. The Commission’s authority and responsibility are set forth in Wisconsin Statute Section 62.50, the Milwaukee City Charter Chapter 22.10, and the Milwaukee Code of Ordinances Chapter 314. The current seven citizen board members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Common Council; by Ordinance; the Board may be comprised of up to nine members.
The Commission’s primary responsibility is policy oversight, including monitoring and prescribing the policies and standards of both the Fire and Police Departments. This oversight authority is exercised by Board action and regular audit and research relative to the Fire and Police department operational initiatives and disciplinary actions. The Commission also conducts ongoing analysis of the Milwaukee Police Department’s use of force incidents and uses the information as a foundation for policy and training improvement. Other functions of the Commission include:
The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission is a member of the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement (NACOLE) and has adopted its Code of Ethics. For more information, visit