Little Village is a thriving commercial area in Chicago’s West Side with more than 1,000 businesses that offer a vast array of goods and services. It is also home to the largest Mexican community in the Midwest, a fact reflected by the many unique Mexican specialty products available from merchants in the area. Little Village residents and business owners are amply recognized for their entrepreneurial spirit, strong work ethic, and commitment to family and community. Businesses in Little Village create jobs for thousands of residents.
The Little Village Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization that has represented the interests of local businesses for more than 30 years. Its mission is to promote and support the growth and success of businesses in Little Village and to leverage the community’s unique cultural identity to generate new opportunities. The Chamber works closely with business and community leaders; government agencies; law enforcement; corporate partners; elected officials and others to address the issues that affect the community and the commercial area.
The Little Village commercial area generated nearly $900 million in sales in 2001, a year that saw the nation endure a severe economic downturn. This fact reflects the perseverance and creativity of the area’s business owners and residents and serves as testament to the community’s vitality.
The Little Village Chamber of Commerce serves its members and promotes the Little Village business community by focusing on these primary areas: Training, Assistance, Advocacy, and Commercial Development.