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If you need to find a new job or a new career, more people are turning to what's called "upskilling." Many major colleges and universities offer free to low-cost online professional development courses, boot camps, and certificate programs that are helping more people grow their careers. A 2021 Gallup survey found 75% of workers who completed skill development courses reported some kind of career advancement and increased their annual...
Have you ever wondered if there’s a unique job profile tailored to your specific skill set? Suppose you are an expert at spotting spam in search results and understanding what makes a good landing page, but you aren't a webmaster. Or you have a keen ear for identifying good musical arrangements and predicting the next chartbuster. Or, you’re an expert meme creator. Do you think someone would pay for these skills? Following is a list of such...
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy and people’s lives have been devastating. Identifying and nurturing the right skills for this new world will be key. Even before COVID-19, CEOs were concerned about finding, keeping, and developing the talent needed for the modern world. READ MORE AT STRATEGY + BUSINESS