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Tips on improving the job you're in or finding one you love

Tips on improving the job you're in or finding one you love

The week of April 2 marks National Explore your Career Week. All week long, KGW Sunrise is sharing some ways to do just that. From interview tips and resume help, to the right and wrong ways to request a raise. First in the series, KGW Sunrise dives into what to do if you find yourself getting laid off by your employer. 

1. Grieve your job loss

According to Austin Belcak, founder of Cultivated Culture, one of the first things you should do following a layoff is to grieve the loss and take time to process what happened. Focus on yourself and don't start updating your resume and applying for jobs just yet.

Instead, take a day or two for you and do nothing related to finding that next job. Think of your mental health. One rule of thumb to think about is that getting laid off is a reflection of your previous employer and its situation, not you. READ MORE AT KGW8