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As leaders consider which skills to focus on developing in 2024, change management and emotional intelligence might top the list. Even as leaders are called on to craft strategy around the use of artificial intelligence, the harder problems involve steering teams through all of the changes AI continues to bring. If you’re one of those leaders, you’ll need to not only retain but also inspire your best people in 2024. READ MORE AT MIT...
Being a good manager is about more than just being proficient in your field — in fact, it's a distinct skill that requires its own cultivation. The foundation of effective management lies in radical honesty — a perfect balance between high empathy and high directness. This means being forthright and transparent in your communication while empathizing with your team members' feelings and perspectives. READ MORE AT ENTREPRENEUR
People want to know they matter, and that they’re spending their time doing work that makes a difference. That’s true regardless of the type of job they hold. Workers are rethinking their work-life integration and seeking jobs where they feel they can make a positive impact. Fortunately, there are concrete things organizations and leaders can do to create a culture where every worker matters. READ MORE AT AMERICAN PSYCHOLOGICAL...