Navigating the tech job market can be overwhelming, with constantly shifting trends and an ever-growing pool of applicants. If you’re struggling to stand out, feeling lost among complex job requirements, or simply unsure how to make your skills and experiences shine, then this article is for you. READ MORE AT BUILT IN
Tech jobs are booming. After a slight slowdown in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are hiring for tech-based roles at rates never seen before. While across the board, demand for tech jobs is high and that’s not expected to change, some job demand is more than others.
On top of high demand and comparatively high entry-level salaries, many people may not know that these tech jobs don’t require a degree or traditional education...
Representation of women in the cybersecurity industry has grown over the past years and, while this is positive, there is still room for improvement. Growth and success in this area require that everyone work together to amplify each other, but this is easier said than done.
Interestingly, not everyone in cybersecurity started with a technical background. Some of the women currently in cybersecurity started in non-stem-related courses....
There are about 465,000 open positions in cybersecurity nationwide as of May 2021, according to Cyber Seek — a tech job-tracking database from the U.S. Commerce Department — and the trade group CompTIA.
"You don't have to be a graduate of MIT to work in cybersecurity," said Tim Herbert, executive vice president for research at CompTIA. "It just requires someone who has the proper training, proper certification and is certainly committed to...